Claims Journal
Run Time: 7:12
in Claims

SPONSORED: Game-Changing Technology Brings Peace of Mind to Claims Leader, A Conversation with Chris Ainsworth

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Chris Ainsworth, VP of Claims for Southern General Insurance Company (SGIC), sits down with Cogitate to discuss the litigious environment in which SGIC operates, and how her department has adopted technology to avoid costly bad faith exposures. Reflecting the legal environment in which SGIC is writing non-standard personal auto, Georgia has been named by the American Tort Reform Association (ATRA) as the “#1Judicial Hellhole” in the United States.

With social inflation at an all-time high, finding a way to manage Attorney Time Limit Demands has been a game changer for Chris and her claims team. Check out this interview to learn how SGIC applied AI-powered technology to identify and manage the entire Time Limit Demand Letter process.

Zero misses, peace of mind, and high praises for Cogitate DemandAssist. Learn more at

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