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Coaching Accountability and Risk Management

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At the Risky Future Summit, experts highlight the need for intentional, outcome-driven coaching as a vital part of risk management, urging companies to reconsider how accountability and acceptable risk shape their insurance and operational strategies. This clip highlights the conversation with Insurance Journal's Chad Hemenway and Darren Beard,  Director of Transportation Risk Control -- to watch the full panel and the rest of the talks from the summit, click here!

Main topics covered:

Intentional Coaching for Results: Coaching must focus on clear objectives and accountability, rather than being a checkbox task, to effectively change behaviors and reduce risk.
Accountability vs. Overload: Placing the coaching burden on overworked employees can lead to ineffective results, especially when repeat behaviors are not addressed through proper support.
Understanding Acceptable Risk: Companies must align their coaching and risk management strategies with their acceptable risk levels to gain better positioning in the insurance marketplace.

#RiskManagement #EffectiveCoaching #RiskyFutureSummit

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