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SPONSORED: Quintessence Podcast EP. 3 – AI and the Future of Claims

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Welcome to the Quintessence, a podcast series inspired by the disruptions caused in industries by emerging technologies. Today, we will discuss how AI is becoming increasingly integrated into the insurance claims servicing industry, and how carriers are positioning themselves to respond to the changing business landscape.

In this podcast, we have Pronoy Roy from Quantiphi as your host along with industry leaders from Everest Group and Quanitphi to bring you their seasoned perspectives on the rapidly evolving landscape of insurance claims.

Aditya Jain, Practice Director, Everest Group

Bhaskar Kalita, Global Head, Financial Services and Insurance, Quantiphi

To learn more about how AI-first digital engineering can help businesses across industries accelerate modernization initiatives, subscribe to our YouTube channel: Quantiphi YouTube and visit us at:
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