Carrier Management
Run Time: 5:50

On the Ground: How Insurers Can Use Geospatial Information Systems

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After introducing the topic of Geospatial Information Systems with a view of satellites in space, CB Insights Analyst Mike Fitzgerald takes the subject down to Earth, explaining the potential for information from satellites and aerial imagery to change insurer business models. Starting with an actual use case in which specialty marine insurers tracked supply chain disruptions that occurred when the Ever Given ran aground, Fitzgerald discusses future applications for standard property/casualty insurers, including commercial underwriting based on parking lot images from drones and fixed wing aircraft.
Fitzgerald is the guest editor of a special feature of Carrier Management focused on Geospatial Information Systems, which includes a series of articles in the fourth-quarter magazine and a video Roundtable, “Seeing Through the Clouds: Satellites in Insurance.”

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