Claims Journal
Run Time: 19:35
in Claims, User Contributed

SPONSORED: What’s Missing From Your Subrogation Program?

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Great subrogation results don’t just happen, it takes strength, tenacity and perseverance to achieve success! While it is a well-recognized fact that successful subrogation programs are critical to customer service and financial strength it is estimated roughly 15% of paid claim dollars with recovery potential are overlooked each year, leaving millions of dollars left unclaimed.
Is your subrogation program delivering favorable results? Are the right business decisions made on where to invest recovery efforts so as to positively impact the bottom line? Do you know which recovery strategies consistently boost results? Are the internal financial and technological resources available to develop a successful subrogation program in-house, or would outsourcing be a better option? What extra services are available to support an internal subro team?? Kathleen Smith CSRP and Donna Geraghty of Spartan Recoveries discuss various subrogation models available to carriers and self-insurers.

To learn more about how you can achieve subrogation success contact Donna Geraghty at dgeraghty@spartanrecoveries.

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